Our Values

The gospel changes everything. The gospel makes us Christians and can change anyone. The gospel grows us and points us to Jesus as our significance, hope, joy and satisfaction. The gospel empowers us to serve and produces unselfish love. We are committed to the centrality of the gospel for salvation, growth and our motivation to love and serve others. As a gospel-centered church we embody these values. We are:

A Biblical Community

The gospel is the true story of salvation as communicated through the Bible. We are committed to the authority and sufficiency of Scripture. We are committed to expository preaching, Biblical theology and Biblical counselling.

A Worshiping Community 

The gospel creates a community that worships Christ. The gospel shows us that the root of all our problems is sin. Sin is looking to someone or something other than Jesus for our security, significance, joy and satisfaction. The gospel drives us to see our sin and that Jesus is our true satisfaction and treasure. Jesus lived and died in our place and defeated death by his resurrection, demonstrating that he is worth following and worthy of worship. We are a community that worships Christ for his sovereignty and work of redemption.  

An Outward-Faced Community

The gospel makes all Christians outward faced and frees us to live not for ourselves but for our families, friends, associates and others who need the hope of Christ. The gospel shapes us into a people who live for others and who share Christ with the world.  We are committed to sharing Christ both locally and overseas and to support organizations committed to the centrality of the gospel.

A Disciple-Making Community

The gospel gives us a personal call to follow Jesus Christ. Disciples of Christ are actively pursuing growth in grace under the rule and authority of God.  Disciples of Christ are those who discover who Christ is, deepen their relationship with Christ and duplicate their faith in Christ with others.  Disciples of Christ are changed by the gospel of grace, grounded in the Word of God and equipped for the ministry of God. The personal call of the gospel is to follow Jesus Christ and to make and mature disciples of Christ. 

A Radically Generous Community

The gospel shows us a God who is so radically generous that He gave up everything He had to become one of us. He has given us a gift beyond measure, He has given us His life. When we receive the radical generosity of God, it shapes us as a people to be radically generous with our time, resources and possessions.

A Prayerful Community 

The gospel shapes us into a people of prayer. We are committed to praying for each other, our loved ones, our associates and the world. We are blessed to call God, “Our Father” and come to him as his children. Jesus earned God’s favor for us by living the perfect life in our place and dying for our sins. We can now approach God with both humility and confidence as he delights to hear and answer our prayers.

A Loving Community

The gospel creates a family. Jesus died to shatter everything that separates us from each other and shape us as a loving community in Him. A loving community breaks down all barriers of race, class, gender and age to love each other as a gospel centered family in Christ. We are all equally sinners saved by grace and have a deep concern for both spiritual and material needs. God created us to be in community so we can grow, serve, witness and experience life together as a people who are shaped by the grace of Christ.  We grow as a community through corporate worship, small groups, discipleship, community based ministries and personal relationships. As a community in Christ we forgive each other, serve each other, bear each other’s burdens and grow in grace together with Christ as our head and our treasure.