At Crossway our local outreach ministries exist to equip and mobilize God’s people to share God’s love in word and deed in the greater San Fernando Valley. We are gospel-centered, mercy-loving, and we serve our city because God first loved us through the person Jesus Christ. We are called to gather, grow and send disciples of Christ and to be a city set on a hill to shine in such a way that our good works will glorify God. We currently have opportunities to serve in two local elementary schools and the San Fernando Rescue Mission.
Rescue Mission
The Rescue Ministry is an outreach to the homeless in the San Fernando Valley through the Rescue Mission, a Christian shelter and program. On a monthly basis, our church sends a team to help meet the spiritual and practical of individuals and families at the Rescue Mission. Those serving in this ministry provide meals and minister through conversation and acts of kindness. Additionally, one of our members may share a testimony, a word of encouragement or brief message. Before school starts in the fall, our church collects school supplies for backpacks that are given away to the children of families who are homeless.
Good News Club
Good News Club is an outreach to children in our church neighborhood of Pacoima. On a weekly basis, we send a team of volunteers to serve in Good News Clubs at two local elementary schools. Those serving in this ministry can help in a number of ways from teaching Bible lessons and facilitating games to handing out snacks and listening to children say their Bible memory verses. Good News Club is a ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship and focuses on teaching children about the Bible.
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