The purpose of Crossway Youth is to unite the hearts of our students to God’s Word and the gospel. We seek to connect the truths of the gospel to their hearts, their lives and their world in such a way that they would love Christ more than life. We consist of students in Middle School (Side by Side) and High School (Lamplighters) and we have two main elements to our ministry: Friday Nights and Discipleship.

Friday Nights 

On Friday nights we meet for games, worship, teaching, small groups, food and fellowship. Our meetings begin at 7:00pm in the main sanctuary of our church campus on every Friday except for the first Friday of the month. We teach different books of the Bible or a unique Biblical theme to connect the Bible to the hearts of our students and their world.


We believe in the importance of Godly men and women in the church to encourage, teach and model for our students, growth in grace and Christ-likeness. We hope to come alongside families and provide discipling opportunities for our students to grow as lifelong followers of Christ. 

For additional information about our youth ministries, contact Pastor Brett Kawanami at