At Crossway Kids, we want each child to grow in their understanding of the Bible and to live with joy and hope in Jesus. Our children’s ministry is a gospel-centered, safe, fun and nurturing environment for children to grow in grace and faith in Christ. All staff have been screened and trained through an organization called “Protect My Ministry” to ensure the safety of the children. Every child entrusted to us is known by name, cared for, treasured, welcomed and taught the story of redemption through Christ in the Bible. We believe it is the responsibility of the church to assist parents in raising their children according to God’s Word.



Little Lambs ministry has the mission of sharing the love of Jesus with the youngest Crossway Kids. We are located in the modular near the playground and have a nursery for babies and infants and a Pre-K class featuring Bible stories, songs, and activities for children 2 1/2 - 5 years old. Our Little Lambs staff are available to welcome your child beginning at 9:45am. Be sure to bring a labeled bag with any items your child might need such as a bottle, sip cup, and diaper supplies. Please indicate any special instructions on the sign-in sheet and leave a cell number so you can be contacted if your child should need you.



KidVenture (KV) is Crossway’s Children’s Ministry for grades Kindergarten through 6th. Parents may register their child at any time during the year. Registration is available at the sign-in table outside the sanctuary beside the banner “Crossway Kids.” Stop here to meet someone from our KV staff and sign in your child each week before entering the worship service. Children begin worship service in the sanctuary with their parents as families “Worship Through Song” together until they are dismissed during the “meet and greet” time.  Children then leave through the doors at the back of the sanctuary where a KV staff member will be waiting to escort the group to the KV building. After worship service is over, promptly come to the KV building to sign your child out and join the coffee hour fellowship on the patio.

What happens in KV? Children are warmly welcomed each week by their Shepherd. A typical day will consist of:

  • Welcome Time (giving stickers to those who bring their Bibles and memorize Bible verses)

  • Offering (donations are for missions)

  • Large Group Bible lesson time (all children K-6 together).

  • Small Group Time/Prayer with Shepherds (children divided into groups by age)

  • Dismissal

Please note that the first Sunday of the month is devoted to Family Worship, a time when the children remain with their parents in worship service, so they can experience the blessing of worshipping together as a family.

For additional information about our children’s ministries, contact