At Crossway our global outreach ministries exists to equip and mobilize God’s people to participate in God’s mission within God’s world in both word and deed. We believe the church is called to bear witness to the whole gospel through the whole of life to the whole world. The gospel of God is “so universally praiseworthy and so profoundly beautiful and so comprehensively worthy and so deeply satisfying that God will find passionate admirers in every diverse people group in the world” (John Piper).

Our purpose for global missions is proclaiming and living the gospel, calling all peoples everywhere to become loving followers of Christ, and nurturing them to become mature, Word-grounded, Spirit-led servants for the sake of God’s fame and glory. We seek to encourage God’s people to:

  • Embrace their calling to make disciples of all nations
  • Devote regular time to prayer and share the gospel wherever they are
  • Partner with missionaries and support evangelistic opportunities
  • Serve global missions and outreach using their spiritual gifts and God-given abilities

We currently have short-term opportunities to Japan and Thailand and have over 20 long-term missionary partners.

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