Sunday Morning

9:00 am

Adult Christian Education

LOCATION: Jeremiah House

10:00 am

Worship Service

LOCATION: Sanctuary & Patio

11:30 am

Coffee Fellowship


Currently Studying : The Gospel of Mark

The Gospel of Mark moves like a movie, filled with action and drama. And yet, Mark writes with a purpose — to present Jesus as the Son of God who calls us into discipleship. Mark’s Gospel is not just a historical biography — it is the proclamation of Good News.

Our Vision

Loving Christ More Than Life

By God’s grace we will be a community of faith who loves the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and loves our neighbors as ourselves.

Our Mission

Gather, Grow and Send Disciples of Christ

We exist to live out the mission of God by gathering, growing and sending disciples of Jesus Christ. We are called to bring Christ in word and deed to those in our church family and through our church family we are called to bring Christ to the world. We exist to glorify God by bringing Christ to every heart.